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Practical training

If you have to handle laboratory animals as part of a protocol at l'Université Laval or its affiliated research centers, you must register and pass the practical trainin(s) according to your needs.


In order to ensure a sufficient number of places per location, each user is asked to register for the mice basic training in their own research center.

Université Laval and CERVO : Mice basic training are offered every month by the Direction des services vétérinaires. Check the event calender  to see the next training date available. Complete the training request and send it to our team at

CRCHU de Québec : Mice basic training are offered every month at the CHUL for all CRCHU de Québec users. Consult the CRCHU de Québec website for registration details.

CRIUCPQ : Mice basic training are offered every month at the CRIUCPQ for all its users. Write to for upcoming training dates and to register.

Rat basic training is offered monthly only at the Direction des services vétérinaires for all users of Université Laval and its affiliated centers. Check the event calender  to see the next training date available. Complete the training request and send it to our team at


Basic training for other species of rodents is offered on request, at the Direction des services vétérinaires for all users of Université Laval and its affiliated centers. To organize training, send your registration form by email to

Registration form - Rodent basic training (PDF)

Specialized technical training is offered on request by the Direction des services vétérinaires for all users of Université Laval and its affiliated centers. To organize training, send your registration form by email to

Registration form - Rodent specialized technique (PDF)


Rodent aseptic surgery training are offered once a month only at the Direction des services vétérinaires for all users of Université Laval and its affiliated centers. Note that basic training (rat or mouse) must be completed before attending aseptic surgery training. Check the event calender  to see the next training date available. Complete the training request and send it to our team at

Basic training

Upcoming information.

Surgery - Amphibians

Amphibian surgery training are offered on request by the Veterinary Services Department for all users of Université Laval and its affiliated centers. Please note that you may be required to complete the basic training - aquatic animals before attending an aseptic amphibian surgery course. Send your request directly to our team at

For practical CL2 rodent training, contact the designated trainer for your center or the animal facility manager.

For practical CL3 rodent training, contact your animal facility manager.


Theoretical trainings: Respiratory protection and Laboratory animal.

Introduction to rats and mice (password provided when registering for the basic practical training)

The basic training begins with the N95 respirator fit test. For men, beards and sideburns should be fully and freshly shaved.

Theoretical trainings: Respiratory protection, Laboratory animal and Introduction to rats and mice.

You will need to have done and succeed the practical mice or rats basic training, depending on the species used.

Aseptic surgery - Rodents (password provided when registering for the aseptic surgery training)

Theoretical trainings: Respiratory protection and Laboratory animal.

You will need to have done and succeed the practical basic training, depending on the species used.

Theoretical trainings: Respiratory protection and Poissons.

Introduction aux animaux aquatiques (password provided when registering for the basic practical training)

Theoretical trainings: Poissons and Introduction aux animaux aquatiques.

If needed, complete the Respiratory protection theoretical training.

You may be required to have successfully completed basic practical training prior to surgical training.

Introduction to surgery - Amphibians (password provided when registering for the surgery practical training)

Have completed the training:

Theoretical training Laboratory animals
Theoretical training Respiratory protection
Laboratory biosafety
Basic training, related on the species used
CL2 rodents – theory


Have completed the training:


Maintaining the required knowledge and skills must be ensured through validations according to a frequency established for each type of training.

The training courses available on this site can be renewed online as soon as an expiring training notice is received by email.

Validation sessions are available at the DSV every month for basic and specialized techniques, as well as aseptic surgery in rats and mice. Refer to the event section to consult the dates of the next validation sessions and to register. To validate the techniques with other species, contact our team directly to organize a session:

To validate CL3 theoretical training, refer to the Biological Safety Officer at Université Laval or the designated Lab Manager.

To validate your CL2 and CL3 rodent practical training, contact the trainer designated for your center or the animal facility manager for more details.